04 August 2007

Getting the Chops Up

Been working steadily on the painting this summer. Just painting what I want which means that the paintings become kind of a journal entry. Also trying to challenge myself to paint things I haven't before. Searching for that Zen zone of observation and creation. About now ideas of what I could do are starting to come to me. Especially interesting is the creation of "sketches" in Photoshop and Carrara Studio that I can bring to paint. Jane has been urging me to attempt a really huge detailed painting. Something that would take 6 months to a year to complete maybe along the lines of a landscape. I'm thinking it will be fun! I still feel that there is going to be something to come out of all this painting. Something new but I'm not sure what.

I'm especially inspired by the work of Frederic Edwin Church. The blueberries and anenome are works in progress but I thought I'd show them.