I wanted to incorporate the figure somehow with developing druidic-sorcerer cyber-futurist themes. The elements seemed a nice safe place to start. The hand is my right hand and each piece is a suggestive sigil of power over that element. Then I realized I hadn't painted fire or close-up water before. Each took maybe four hours of experimentation until I hit the right brushes and techniques to make something believable.
"The Patternists specialized in cerebral asymmetry. With grossly expanded right-brain hemispheres, they were highly intuitive, given to metaphors, parallels, and sudden cognitive leaps. Their inventive minds and quick, unpredictable genius had given them a competitive edge at first. But with these advantages had come grave weaknesses: autism, fugue states, and paranoia. Patternists grew out of control and became grotesque webs of fantasy." - Bruce Sterling Schismatrix Plus
01 September 2015
Classic Elements
This summer I pretty much used my vacation and weekends by preparing for a show with Mykl Wells, my favorite Tucson painter. I'm honored he considers me a peer. This is the second show that he's 'shared' with me, as he says "I just want to urge you to paint more," as he urges me to drink another beer.
I wanted to incorporate the figure somehow with developing druidic-sorcerer cyber-futurist themes. The elements seemed a nice safe place to start. The hand is my right hand and each piece is a suggestive sigil of power over that element. Then I realized I hadn't painted fire or close-up water before. Each took maybe four hours of experimentation until I hit the right brushes and techniques to make something believable.
I wanted to incorporate the figure somehow with developing druidic-sorcerer cyber-futurist themes. The elements seemed a nice safe place to start. The hand is my right hand and each piece is a suggestive sigil of power over that element. Then I realized I hadn't painted fire or close-up water before. Each took maybe four hours of experimentation until I hit the right brushes and techniques to make something believable.
ancient future,
oil painting,